Welcome to the
Inspire Campfire Podcast

A podcast where ordinary people tell their stories of extraordinary adventure. These are campfire stories meant to inspire the rest of us to light the fire within, get outside, follow our dreams and return to tell our own stories. Ready? Let’s strike the match…
Meet Your Host
Scott Wurtzbacher
Hi friends! I am Scott Wurtzbacher, a husband, dad, son, neighbor, friend, adventurer, eternal student, spiritual seeker, small business owner, investor, and leader. These are the positive labels I’m proud to own. (I have been called plenty of not so nice things, but we’ll leave those for another day.) I’ve come to realize that something calls me to the outdoors and when I’m out there these labels don’t matter. Out in nature I can connect with my most authentic self and it’s truly “awe”-some.
I’ve created this podcast in hopes of inspiring you to get outside and connect with your own true self. Then maybe you can help others to do the same. Humanity’s collective consciousness is in the process of awakening. Connecting with our true nature is the way to make our own individual contribution. As the intro says, these are campfire stories meant to inspire the rest of us to light the fire within, get outside and return to tell our own stories. Ready? Let’s strike the match!