Episode 108: How Abundance Can Ignite Compassion with Brad Israel
“You’ve got to have the ability and the awareness to make the intentional choices that will be in support of the abundance mindset versus the scarcity mindset.”
In this episode, Brad Israel, a True Hero on his own Hero’s Journey with 14 years of dedicated military service who has deployed all over the world as an Airborne Ranger & Green Beret, joins us to share his story of recognizing abundance and using it to serve others. Brad is a TEDx speaker and serves as the President and Founder of Warrior 360 - a leadership development company focused on coaching and consulting with businesses and teams. Brad also discusses:
2:10 - His desire to join the Army
4:20 - The flame that ignited in him
7:55 - Emotions that fueled his decision
9:30 - His life before that point
12:20 - Being grateful and the importance of giving back
15:20 - Helping people actualize
17:20 - His combat experiences
24:30 - Leveling up from this experience
26:30 - An opportunity to share his abundance
34:30 - How he used his care packages to serve others
39:10 - Watching the transformation of his team
43:15 - The people back home making this abundance possible
48:00 - Developing abundance
51:55 - The work he does now
56:05 - Practical things people can do to develop an abundance mindset
59:20 Who’s going to play him in a Hollywood movie about his life?
You can learn more about Brad by following him on LinkedIn or by visiting his website Warrior360.co.
Be sure to check out his TEDx talk here.
See below for photos Brad shared from his adventures.

Watch the Full Behind The Scenes Episode
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