Episode 113: A Love Story in Montana with Hannah and Mark Ollenburger
“I get so passionate about where we live and the work that we do, because it gives me so much hope and it gives me so much energy and then I get to share that with the person that I love. ”
In this episode, Hannah and Mark Ollenburger, Creators of Bears Den Essentials - a knitwear label for those who love being outside where the wild things are, join us to share their story of leaving city life to answer a call to nature and more fully experience their love for the wild, wildlife, and each other in Montana. Hannah and Mark also discuss:
2:20 - Hannah’s call to Montana
6:00 - Mark’s call to Montana
10:35 - Expectation vs reality after they moved to Montana
13:40 - What they found when they got there
15:20 - The work Hannah does in Montana
17:20 - How Mark and Hannah met each other
18:40 - Shared values they have
21:35 - Activities that inspired the business they created
23:30 - Bears Den Essentials
28:00 - How wool ties everything together
31:20 - How can people learn more about their products
32:00 - Hannah’s book
37:30 - Advice for those who are looking to answer their call to adventure
40:00 - Who is going to play them in a Hollywood movie about their adventure?
You can learn more about Hannah and Mark by following them on Instagram @BearsDenEssentials, on their website BearsDenEssentials.com, or their YouTube channel.
You can learn more about Hannah’s book Atlas of Conflict Reduction on her website.
See below for photos Hannah and Mark shared from their adventure.

Watch the Full Behind The Scenes Episode
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