Episode 71: Born to Walk with Shawn Richardson

When you walk, you stir so much energy inside of you. Both inside energy shifts and you move energy in the terrain where you’re walking...you can put all of this intention out into these waves of energy and if you imagine that stirred in people and wrapping around neighborhoods and communities in the world, this is this healing blanket of energy circulating the planet.
— Shawn Richardson

In this episode, Shawn Richardson, The Founder of One Walk - a guide company specializing in helping first-time long-distance hikers to gain confidence, competence, and independence so they can eventually feel equipped to plan their own hikes, joins us to share her story and how one walk can change your life. Shawn also discusses:

  • 1:50 - Her background

  • 6:30 - Setting intentions with One Walk

  • 9:00 - Feeling the call to start One Walk

  • 17:50 - Victim Consciousness

  • 23:20 - One Walk Trails and what to expect

  • 28:40 - How walking has helped people experience inner peace

  • 33:45 - Examples of intentions set on the trail

  • 36:50 - Letting go of negative energy

  • 38:50 - Transformations she’s witnessed

  • 43:00 - How One Walk has changed her life

  • 45:25 - Being in flow and what it feels like

  • 46:40 - Advice to get in and stay in flow

  • 48:50 - Closing remarks

You can learn more about Shawn and One Walk on her website www.OneWalk.world.

See below for photos Shawn shared from her adventures.

Watch the Full Behind The Scenes Episode

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Episode 72: Guiding the Goddesses of the River with Aimee Cullwick


Episode 70: Promoting Your Extraordinary Story with Bill Hampton